UKZ Annual Conference 2024

Trends and challenges in the development of contemporary society

Program of the 3rd Annual Internationale Conference of Public University “Kadri Zeka” in Gjilan UKZ AC2024

Thursday, 13 June, 2024

Program of the 3rd Annual International Conference – UKZAC2024


10:00-11:00        Arrival and registration of participants

11:00-11:05      Welcome Address

 -         Arbona XhemajliVice Rector for Scientific Research


11:05- 11:40    Opening ceremony


-        Artan Dërmaku, Rector of the Public University "Kadri Zeka"

-        Fejzullah Krasniqi, Academic at the Kosova Academy of Sciences and Arts

-        Arbërie Nagavci, Minister of Kosovo Education, Science and Technology

-        Qerim Qerimi, Rector of the University of Prishtina

-        Jusuf Zejneli, Rector of the State University of Tetovo

-        Alban Hyseni, Mayor of the Municipality of Gjilan

-        Kadri Rahimaj, Mayor of the Municipality of Kamenica

-        Sokol Haliti, Mayor of the Municipality of Vitia

-        Ilir Gjinolli, Member of the Steering Committee of the Public University "Kadri Zeka"

-        Venera Llunji, Vice Rector for International Relations and Cooperation AAB College

-        Arsim Vranovci, Chairman of the Industrial Board of the Public University "Kadri Zeka"

11:40- 12:00    Plenary Session

-Keynote - Robert Kosova, University "Aleksandër Moisiu" Durrës, Albania

-Keynote - Blerim Rexha, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Kosovo


12:00-12:20    Award Ceremony Marin Barleti


12:20-13:00     Lunch

13:00-17:00 Conference Sessions

Friday, June 14, 2024

10:00                             Conference Sessions

Meeting of the Organizational Council/ After all the work of discussions/ discussions about the conduct of the Conference and its conclusion

Contact person:  Prof. Ass. Dr. Arbona Xhemajli , Tel: +383 44 730 027,  mail:

Coordinator at the Office for Scientific Research: Arjete Shaqiri, Secretary of the conference: Vjosa Baftiu, email:,   web: